Trading Commodities with Excellence
About Us

Our history began with the cultivation of cotton, where our family after immigrating to Brazil from Italy, began in the 50's in Ituverava a city located in São Paulo state, the plantation and selling cotton. With more than 1800 acres, our family expanded their business to another state in Brazil called Goiás.

Soy, Beans and Sugar
After expanding to Goiás state, we started to cultivate Soy and beans in the beginning of 70's and 80's. Today our farm in Goiás cultivate sugar cane, in which started in 2004.

JA Global Trading Corp.
To keep up with the demand in sales to other countries and high demand for commodities from Brazil, in 2020 was established JA Global Trading Corp S.A., this wise decision allowed us to unite our production and the production of other farms with the goal of exporting, this bridge can bring close the producers with the internacional buyers.
Recipe to Success
With a short period of time our company expanded to over 100 collaborators and now has offices in USA, Asutralia and more to come. This was possible due to a very efficient business model as well a highly skilled Logistics team.


For a better world
Our goal is to bring confidence and trust, supply with best costs and less time in logistics. Finding solutions for a long term food demand world wide.

Looking ahead
Be the main reference when it comes with commodities trading, and keeping our social responsibility with our environment as well to our economy.
Our Guidelines
